Archives for posts with tag: fleeting pixel no. 428

Skyline changed | Don’t come back

A temple of fragments | Ruin of such order | the rain for days, empty, mindless | comforting in those conditions | assuring us we have no part in it | complete and unneeded | like an extinct species | Maps of an underground country | Winifred, Cuthbert, Wilhelmina | Breaks up the | consensus | as it is now | a little | reincarnation of the young | false notes among the orchestra | a genius | runs a fool’s errand | echoes of the martial pomp | of wartime | An era | of wits and cads and cards | of tear gas and torn cobbles | weeds tower | among the progress | and then the progress | turns to Mars | Don’t wait too long | Glances, smoke not indebted | to the fire, floating | across walls, furniture, ceiling | A memory brushes lips | A grasshopper | disturbs a graveyard••

from the series fleeting pixel (series of 1,000 poems, 2012–2016)
(this poem, August 2013)

Skyline changed | Don’t come back

A temple of fragments | Ruin of such order | the rain for days, empty, mindless | comforting in those conditions | assuring us we have no part in it | complete and unneeded | like an extinct species | Maps of an underground country | Winifred, Cuthbert, Wilhelmina | Breaks up the | consensus | as it is now | a little | reincarnation of the young | false notes among the orchestra | a genius | runs a fool’s errand | echoes of the martial pomp | of wartime | An era | of wits and cads and cards | of tear gas and torn cobbles | weeds tower | among the progress | and then the progress | turns to Mars | Don’t wait too long | Glances, smoke not indebted | to the fire, floating | across walls, furniture, ceiling | A memory brushes lips | A grasshopper | disturbs a graveyard


from the series fleeting pixel (series of 1,000 poems, 2012–2016)