Just for the people, just for the people | So the heart comes round again, and you will see

So the music comes in again, and you will step back | just for the people

So the children come home again, after a long day

And you will see the right path, join with the builders

So the light softens and the foot comes off the gas | and the breath comes slower, goes slower | so the blood comes around again | so the children come again, after a long day missing

And you will join with the builders, and you will see

Just for the people, just for the people | So the gestures go gentle, and the fists unfold | into palms | and the fingers | tremble a little | and the breath comes slower, goes slower | and the foot comes off the gas

And you will see | the way through, the kind light, after a long day missing, you will see | the children come back again | taking the right path

And the builders know what they will build | and know, too, how they will build | and why they build | and the architecture of the moment will change | just for the people

Just for the people

The hand that unfolded its caress | so the heart came round again | and we will see

So the children came home again, after a long day | missing in the money and the need and the fear | in the kind light | they’re taking the right path

So the foot comes off the gas | and the heart beats slower | the caress knows the way to fall | and the moment opens | its new architecture

And we will join with the builders | and we will come | when the children call

Taking the right path

Just for the people