Method of encapsulating the ratio of justice to injustice in the categories obtained by the method for establishing one’s personal relation to social injustice ||

The revolutionary position: annihilate injustice (all justice for all people: or, Otherwise, comply with the rules of the alternative)

The ameliorist position: mitigate injustice (more justice for most people: or, Not enough, but better)

The fatalist position: tolerate injustice (what is: or, Che sara, sara)

The individualist position: ignore injustice (— : or, I am above this)

The conservative position: approve injustice (what is is good: or, Someone has to do it)

The neo-libertarian position: intensify injustice (less for more: or, Some win, most lose)

The tyrannical position: maximise injustice (annihilate justice: or, Justice for one)

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